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비관용적 의미 영어로

"비관용적 의미" 뜻

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  • literal meaning
  • 의미    의미 [意味] a meaning; a sense; [의의]
  • 관용적이 아닌    nonpure; unhallowed; contaminated; unpurified
  • 관용적인    clement; eleemosynous; benevolent; charitable; generous
  • 비관    비관 [悲觀] pessimism; [낙심] disappointment. ~적(인) pessimistic / dark. ~적으로 보다 take a pessimistic[dark] view / look on the gloomy side . ~하다 be pessimistic ; take a pessimistic[dark] view ; look on the
  • 용적    용적 [容積] [용량] capacity; [부피] volume. ~ 3리터의 병 a bottle with a capacity of three liters. 이 상자의 ~은 1m3이다 The volume of this box is one cubic meter.▷ 용적량 the measure of capacity.▷ 용적률 『建』 floor space in
  • 관용    관용 [官用] [관청의 용도] official[public] use; [관청의 용무] government[official] business; an official mission. ~으로서 for official use. ~으로 on official business[duty].▷ 관용어 official language.▷ 관용차 an official ve
  • 의미    의미 [意味] a meaning; a sense; [의의] significance; [주지(主旨)] the import; [함축] an implication; a connotation. 문자 그대로의 ~ literal meaning. 낱말의 ~ the meaning of a word. 그의 행동의 진정한 ~ the real significance of
  • 비관리    unmanaged
  • 비관적    pessimistic
  • 비관할    exclusion
  • 실용적    실용적 [實用的] (intended) for practical[actual] use; practical. ~인 물건 an article for practical use / a practical[useful] article. ~이다 be of practical use. 정말 ~이다 It is of great utility. 그것은 ~이 못된다 It is
  • 용적 톤수    tonnage
  • 용적량    tonnage
  • 용적률    Floor area ratio
  • 용적심    Heart of Dragon
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